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Membership is currently open to all freshmen and sophomore students. T007 Portable 7 Lend A Helping Hand Sponsor: Carolyn Vasisko Students from the Woods go to Robison Elementary School to help out the kids there and organize events. The Honor Society also conducts the annual induction ceremony for new members. MEETINGS: 1st Tuesday of the Month from 2:30 -3:10 pm 1927 Interact Club Sponsor: Aimee Ruiz Service organization sponsored by Rotary Club International that promotes efforts of community service on local and worldwide levels.
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New User Registration - Tryouts are held in Spring. Club Sponsors: Mike Bennett, Steve Britt, Michael Pumphrey Industrial Tech Club is open to all Technology students.
A Capella Club Sponsor: Susan Omick Students with an interest in the a cappella form of music meet and express themselves through a variety of styles, including beat boxing and harmonizing. Students learn and practice new pieces at meetings. MEETINGS: Thursdays 2:30-3:10pm Room 2606 Astronomy Club Sponsor: Kiesha Williams Those interested in astronomy can come together and learn and share ideas. Members will read 12 pre selected novels and study details about the books. Members will meet twice a week in the Library Computer Lab to collaborate and strategize. The team members will compete in March in a district-wide Book Battles Competition against rivaling high schools. MEETINGS: Mondays 6:45 AM and Wednesdays 2:45 PM in the Library Computer Lab Book Club Sponsor: Debra English Open to all students that enjoy reading and discussing books and reading experiences. MEETINGS: First Thursday 2:45 pm in Rm. MEETINGS: Every other Thursday at 2:45 pm Rm. MEETINGS: Thursday at 2:45 in 1558 Culture Club Sponsor: John Kent Students will be introduced to other cultures of fellow students attending CWHS in a fun and friendly environmen MEETINGS: Thursdays at 2:45 in 2307 Ducks Unlimited Sponsor: Leah Stephanow Ducks Unlimited is to inform students about the need to conserve North American wetlands and the many important ways each person can help in conservation, restoration and protections. MEETINGS: Once a month on Thursdays, 2:30 p. MEETINGS: Tuesday AM and Wednesday PM, Rm. The group seeks to challenge athletes, coaches and other students to share their faith with one another and the community. MEETINGS: 1 st and 3 rd Thursday of the month 6:40 am in Third Gym or Large Health Room Wildcat Fishing Team Sponsor: Ryan Hall Educate students on fishing, as well as getting middle school students involved in high school activities. MEETINGS: 1 ST Tuesday of each month at 2:45 pm in rm. MEETINGS: twice a month on Tuesdays at 2:40pm in T009 Portable 9 Future Business Leaders of America FBLA Sponsors: Lori Andrade, Janice Walker FBLA is a professional organization that gives students the opportunity learn about business and business related fields. Students will compete in local, state and national competitions. MEETINGS: Second Tuesday of the month, 6:45 am OR 2:45 pm Room 3010 Future Farmers of America FFA Sponsors: Kyle Atkins, Katie Dale, Harper Orts To make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. MEETINGS: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:45 pm in Rm. Come participate in awesome clothing transformation activities to turn old rags into innovative fads, and donate all of your unwanted clothing items to new loving homes! Human Environment Animal Team Sponsor: Meagan Kenny To spread positive activism and make a difference in our community and world. MEETINGS: Every other Thursday at 2:45 pm in Room 2608 Helping Africa Today Sponsor: Stacy Hannah Our goal is to make others aware of conditions in African countries and to help in any way we can MEETINGS: Every other Monday morning at 6:40 am and Tuesday afternoon at 2:50 pm room 1667 HOLA - Hispanic Organization for Leaders of America Sponsors: Irma Salinas, Anita Sanchez The HOLA Club is a Latin dance organization that is involved in community service projects and leadership building projects MEETINGS: Tues. MEETINGS: When Announced, Rm. Creative Writing Club Sponsor: Nikki Self Students who enjoy writing will meet and be able to exchange ideas and grow as writers and participate in activities based off a shared interest.. MEETINGS: Every Other Thursday 2:45pm Rm. MEETINGS: Tuesdays 2:45pm Rm. Club Sponsors: Mike Bennett, Steve Britt, Michael Pumphrey Industrial Tech Club is open to all Technology students. Students may enter their projects in Regional, State and National events. MEETINGS: 1st Tuesday of the Month from 2:30 -3:10 pm 1927 Interact Club Sponsor: Aimee Ruiz Service organization sponsored by Rotary Club International that promotes efforts of community service on local and worldwide levels. MEETINGS: Tuesdays at 6:45 am and 2:40 pm, Rm. MEETINGS: To Be Determine check school calendar in the Teaching Theater. Latin Club Sponsor: Barbara Johns An organization for students who have taken or are taking Latin that provide opportunities to meet for cultural and social events. T007 Portable 7 Latin Honor Society Sponsor: Barbara Johns The Latin Honor Society is an honorary organization recognizing academic excellence in Latin. The Honor Society also conducts the annual induction ceremony for new members. MEETINGS: As announced in Rm. T007 Portable 7 Lend A Helping Hand Sponsor: Carolyn Vasisko Students from the Woods go to Robison Elementary School to help out the kids there and organize events. MEETINGS: Third Wednesday of the month at 6:50am Room 1662 Library Lunch Book Club Sponsors:Terrie Schexnaider Everyone will read the same book and have a book discussion. We will be working with the Lone Star College Library. MEETINGS: One Thursday a month — Lunch time — Library — Rm. MEETINGS: Every other Thursday at 2:45 pm in Rm. MEETINGS: 2nd Wednesday of the month 6:00 pm and Thursday 6:30 am in Teaching Theater. No Place For Hate NP4H Sponsor: Frank Fraley No Place for Hate® helps to create and sustain inclusive school environments where all students feel valued and have the opportunity to succeed by promoting respect for individual difference while challenging bigotry and prejudice. Meetings: TBA PAWS Sponsor: Rebecca Rivard PAWS was created to help dogs who have been rescued or who have been abandoned and are currently living in shelters find a forever home and make their lives better MEETINGS: Third Thursday of the month in the Teaching Theater, from 2:45-3:10 Photographic Society Sponsor: Tina Fox Student's will be able to showcase their art and learn new photography skills MEETINGS: Monday, 2:45 pm in Rm. MEETINGS: Every Wednesday at 6:30 am Rm. Students in all grade levels are welcome MEETINGS: Two Fridays a month in room 2209 Raising Awareness of Diseases RAD Sponsor: Doug Chumley Educate others about various diseases and conditions, their prevention, and treatment. MEETINGS: TBD Sci-Woods Competition Club Sponsors: Timothy Kraemer, Shelly Solis Club to allow students the opportunity to study for Science themed competitions including Academic UIL, Science Olympiad, National Science Bowl, and National Ocean Sciences Bowl. MEETINGS: Mondays and Tuesdays 2:40, Room 1163 Spanish Club Sponsors: Sonia Tolkov, Karolina Santiago The Spanish Club exists to further enhance cultural awareness and diversity. MEETINGS: Third Thursday of the month 2:35 p. T005 Portable 5 Spanish National Honor Society Sponsors: Illeana Perez Promoting Hispanic language and culture. MEETINGS: Wednesdays at 2:45 pm in Rm. S Sponsors: Tahtia Jones-Thomas, Beverly Crowder A safe environment for students with intellectual disabilities to socialize and form relationships with non-disabled peers and join them together in community activities. MEETINGS: To Be Determined Tech Tuesday Club Sponsors: Terrie Schexnaider The Tech Tuesday Club was created to give students the opportunity to increase their technology skills with computer coding. Senior wildcats will lead lessons in coding for anyone wanting to learn more. MEETINGS: Tuesdays 6:45 AM in the Library Computer Lab UIL Academics Sponsor: Stacey Armstrong The University Interscholastic League is a comprehensive literary and academic competitive program that competes annually in the Spring. MEETINGS: Last Friday at each month at 6:45 in 1558 UIL Math S ponsor: Ti Change Students compete in various local, state, and national AMC competitions. Like-minded students mentor one another in number sense, calculator applications, and mathematics. MEETINGS: Every Wednesday 6:45am, Rm 1562 Water Polo Sponsor: Chris Pease, Tim Crosson Compete in scrimmages, games and tournaments. Strengthen swimming skills, provide competitive opportunity and teaches teamwork. MEETINGS: Mondays - Fridays at 5:45-6:45 am and 2:40-3:40 pm at Spillane MS pool Spring only, Late January to May Wildcats for Cy-Hope Sponsor: Susan Williamson he purpose of the club is to support the mission of Cy Hope through club participation in their community outreach and activities. Membership is currently open to all freshmen and sophomore students. MEETINGS: 2nd Tuesday of Each Month Rm. Tryouts are held in Spring. MEETINGS: Every other Tuesday, 2:45-3:10pm Room 1314 Wise Woods Sponsors: Sarah Jones Work with local retirement homes on events and activities for their residents Meetings: Every other Tuesday 2:45-3:10 pm Room 2215 Young Ladies of Excellence Sponsors: Ladye Lindsey To motivate young ladies to strive for excellence in every area of their life. Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of Month 2:50 pm Room 1373 Zumba Sponsors: Jennifer Turnbow Students will meet to exercise and plan to help promote healthy lifestyles thru exercise Meetings: Thursdays 2:45 pm Room 2121 You are going to You are now leaving the CFISD website. 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MEETINGS: As announced in Rm. This site is not part of CFISD, and CFISD has no control over its content or availability. MEETINGS: Every Wednesday 6:45am, Rm 1562 Water Polo Sponsor: Chris Pease, Tim Crosson Compete in scrimmages, games and tournaments. S Sponsors: Tahtia Jones-Thomas, Beverly Crowder A safe environment for students with intellectual disabilities to socialize and form relationships with non-disabled peers and join them together in community activities. All money goes back into the sports program at Cy-Woods. MEETINGS: Tuesdays at 6:45 am and 2:40 pm, Rm. CFISD is not responsible for the accuracy or content of any of the information provided by this site, nor is it liable for any direct or indirect technical or system issues arising out of your access to or use of third party technologies or programs available through this site. MEETINGS: Third Thursday of the month cy woods key club p. MEETINGS: 1 ST Tuesday of each month at 2:45 pm in rm. MEETINGS: Wednesdays at 2:45 pm in Rm. Even something as insignificant as having more officer meetings per month, or reminding members to show up to their events and get their hour forms signed helped in tiny ways to help improve the club as a whole.