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Z Maretom se sicer slišiva vsaj trikrat na teden, po zaslugi sodobne tehnologije pa se med temi pogovori tudi gledava. In tako vsak ponedeljek, sredo in petek okrog desetih zvečer sedim v dnevni sobi s prenosnikom na kolenih in soprogu na drugi strani zaslona razlagam, kaj se dogaja v Šentflorjanski. Če ste že kdaj komunicirali ob pomoči spletne kamere oziroma programa Skype, veste, kako abotna zna biti takšna komunikacija. Dejansko se namreč pogovarjaš z zaslonom, in bolj ko se mu približaš z obrazom, bolj spačena je tvoja podoba; če o tem, koliko dejavnikov na oni strani zaslona nenehno odvrača mojo pozornost, niti ne govorim. Imaš na sebi tisto čipkasto spalno srajčko, ki sem ti jo kupil za peto obletnico? In še vedno mi je prav, sem nekoliko samovšečno pomislila. Nejeverno sem ga gledala, mojega soproga, ki si je na drugi strani zaslona odpiral zadrgo in … o, groza, res je to storil: iz hlač je izvlekel penis in ga podržal pred zaslonom. Nihala sem med smehom in zgroženostjo; za vsak primer sem preverila, ali so vrata dnevne sobe res zaprta, saj je bilo to, da bi v prostor vkorakal Jani in na računalniškem zaslonu zagledal očkovega lulčka, zadnje, kar sem si želela. Zdelo se mi je, da vame bolšči orjaška enooka anakonda. Ubogljivo sem stegnila roko, vendar me je premagal smeh. Roko sem še enkrat približala zaslonu in ga počohljala. Ni mi ušlo, da spet ni postlal postelje in da se po njej valjajo preznojena, ponošena oblačila. Pravzaprav na tem prizoru ni bilo ničesar zapeljivega, saj je imel na sebi do vratu zapeto srajco in kravato, na nogah pa nogavice. Pa še te preluknjane. Toda kot vzorna soproga sem popustila in privzdignila srajčko. Pod njo nisem imela ničesar, kar je Mareta dokončno nakurilo. Sopel in hropel je ter se igral s svojim nabreklim penisom, od mene pa pričakoval, da bom sodelovala: primi se tam … pobožaj se tam … predstavljaj si, da sem tako … ti pa tako … In tako sem sledila njegovim navodilo, se čohljala, praskala, vtikala in stokala, vendar z mislimi nisem bila pri stvari. Na steni za računalniškim zaslonom sem namreč opazila velik svetlo rjav madež, ki ga včeraj tam še ni bilo. Verjetno je Jani spet polil sok. Če o tem, da je naš hišni kunec spet odgriznil zajeten del preproge, sploh ne govorim. Ščemenja med nogami žal še vedno ni bilo od nikoder … Me je pa zaščemelo v drobovju, ko sem za Maretovim hrbtom, prav v trenutku, ko je začel hropsti še hitreje in govoriti še nerazločneje, njegov obraz pa je postajal rdeč kot kuhan paradižnik, opazila … kos enako rdeče tkanine. Obraz sem približala zaslonu, tako blizu, da je Mare verjetno pomislil, da mu želim ponuditi oralni seks, in popustile so mu prav vse zavore. Medtem ko je v roko lovil seme najine virtualne ljubezni, sem sama buljila v rdeč kos blaga. Mare je zmedeno sledil mojemu pogledu in se s še vedno na pol trdim penisom vrtel okoli lastne osi. Penis si obrišeš v zaveso … ali pa v njene najljubše spodnje hlačke. In tako se je najina spletna avantura končala. Odtlej se o virtualnem parjenju še pogovarjala nisva več, kaj šele, da bi to počela. Mare se je sicer dobro zabaval, mene pa seks skozi računalniški zaslon vznemirja le toliko, kolikor lahko vmes opazim kaj koristnega. Tako sem že sestavila seznam, kaj vse morava postoriti, ko se vrne iz Francije. Ne bomo imeli le nove preproge in sveže prebeljene dnevne sobe — pričakujem tudi, da se mi za dolgo odsotnost odkupi z najmanj enimi novimi tangicami. Saj jih bo, kot tipični moški, tako ali tako kupil zase. Manj bo blaga, bolje zame.

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Chat rooms are generally online web pages where people with the same interest are talking in real time. It might be a plain text chat, voice chat, video and audio chat, and sometimes the combination of these three. The first chat system, Talkomatic was used in 1974 at the university of Illinois. However the first online chat service available to the public was CompuServe CB Stimulator. It was popular for being the first chat service provider to hold an online wedding. But since then things have dramatically changed. Chatango has numerous chat rooms for people of different interest and from different places. This is the best place to meet random or complete strangers. Most of the users are young adults and teenagers. Recently it has increased the number of users since popular websites and blogs can embed Chattango chat room into their websites. Yahoo chat rooms can now be accessed through Yahoo Instant Messenger. The application can be downloaded to your desktop. They include regions and age based chat rooms. Teen chat channel is the one that is always buzzing with people wanting to talk with other folks. This is what the homepage of Chatroultte. Chatroultte chat can be both fun and freaky. Once you are live you will be randomly paired with other people using the site from all around the world. If you want to meet people at random then here is a fun way of doing it. Join this chat craze. Of course you can always click next and find someone else if you have been paired with a weirdo. For those who wants to chat to strangers and make friends with them, joining Chat For Free is one way of doing it. This place is always buzzing with people from US and around the world. If you got a new cam, why not try it our and start video chatting with other folks online. People here like to stay late at night and kill some time chatting! Tiny Chat has live video chat rooms for all people from all walks of life. Here you will find people freely broadcasting their webcam. Popular channels include, sxygrlsss, teenslife and celebrity chat. These are best way to meet new people who shares the same interest that you have. If you want to meet women here, you have a nice chance to do so. This is free chat service you can download the desktop app, anytime that you want to. Wireclub chat is another way to meet strangers and make them your friends. The dating chat room is always populated. There are a lot of folks here that wants to meet and get to know someone else. Interestingly the site is very diversified, interest related rooms like religions, philosophy, politics, business and the lounge where everything can happen. If you think you are one of these folks why not give this website a try? Unlike other chat sites, Goth Chat City is more interest or niche centered. It also allows every Goth lovers to have a place to hang out and enjoy chatting with other people. With my stay I found that most folks here are from US, Australia, Canada and Japan. Perhaps logging in at different time will allow you to meet other people from other time zones. ICQ Chat is the pioneer of online online free chat and social network integration. ICQ chat is available on desktop and web version. It also has mobile versions which you can download the app to your iPhone and android mobile device. ICQ supports Facebook Log-in and you can pull up and chat with freinds who are online on Facebook and on with those who are already using ICQ. This free chat service offers a lot more. They have free games, and other stuff to help you everyday and anywhere you are. Watch the video below to learn more about ICQ Chat on Mobile. Spin Chat is a free chat client where people make friends, find dates, have fun and do a lot more. Spin chat is popular around the world. They have built a community within it. If you have an account here you can chat with anyone on it. You can challenge your friends to play chess, backgammon and other online games they have. Now it also offers personal pages for every user so they can put up thier pictures, start a blog or journal and create anything they want to publish. TeenSpot Chat Rooms are perhaps the most active dating and singles chat rooms I found. But this is more than a chat site. It also offers users the ability to create quizzes to share with friends and answer polls. They have regular feature updates talking about the latest in internet, pop culture, music and movies. If you sign up try hanging out at their dating and singles chat rooms. That concludes out top 10 list of most popular and most used chat rooms and chat sites. Using chat rooms can help a lot when connecting and building trust with online friends. Note: We would have added Meebo to our list, but as of the time of this writing Meebo is already being integrated with Google+. Since Google has acquired Meebo they have retired most of its services on July 11, 2012. Google Plus hangouts and Gtalk also offers a way for people to create their own chat rooms. Of course you may not agree with our list that is why we are happy to hear your feedback at the comment form below. Helpful articles: Chatrooms Chatroom Safety Advice Staying Safe Online.

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Chatango is a live group on your site Enhances video, breaking news, and developing stories Ideal for community, hobby, sports and weather sites Enables dialog between visitors and announcements from administrators Features Highly scalable Moderate from any device Intelligently matched banned words Optional anonymity controlled by an limbo Rate controls HTML5 works on all platforms Free Chat rooms like chatango to official Chatango site Feature Tags embeddable live-chat Chatango was added by in Nov 2010 and the latest update was made in Aug 2017. The list of alternatives was updated Oct 2018 There is a history of all activites on Chatango in our. Glad articles: Chatrooms Chatroom Safety Advice Staying Safe Online. That's right, all the lists of alternatives are crowd-sourced, and that's what makes the data powerful and relevant. This need felt by many people and many have worked on it. Besides we offer by city where you can find custodes from your own city. Chatango has numerous chat rooms for people of different interest and from different places. The word chat has many origins in the contemporary meanings. If chat rooms like chatango have a website and want to include a chat option, Chatango is the way to go. Using chat rooms can help a lot when connecting and building trust with online friends. The first chat system, Talkomatic was used in 1974 at the university of Illinois. It also offers users the ability to create quizzes to share with friends and answer polls.

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